Blood Under a Microscope

Blood Under a Microscope

Getting a cut from a freshly sharpened knife was a good occasion to inspect blood under a microscope (one more time).

Not a best blood smear
×400 (10×40) magnification. Disc shaped red blood cells are visible. This and next microscope photos were taken using a cell phone camera attached to the ocular.

Here's a special calibration slide that can be used to measure objects visible under the microscope:

Microscope calibration slide
×40 (10×4) magnification. One of the calibration patterns, 1 division is 0,01 mm.

We can use this to measure size of the red blood cell by superimposing calibration image and red blood cells. Assuming centres as divisions we can roughly tell that a red blood cell is around 0,7 × 0,01 mm = 7 μm. Properly measured size is between 7,5 - 8,7 μm.

Without staining other cells can be seen, in black box is an activated platelet (caused by the cut).